Google Tammie Jo Shults.

Yep, she’s that girl.

One of the first female fighter pilots. SWA Captain.


Landed SWA 1380 on one engine after #1 engine blew up and debris struck the fuselage causing rapid decompression and loss of life…her 737 basically became a glider at 30+ thousand feet with 140 souls on board.On top of that she is a delightful human being.

Honored to get this pic with her on my home field KJSO as she was here for recurrent training with @flycasey Casey Aviation in her and her husband’s Malibu.

Thank you @thegirlpilot for bringing Tammy Jo down to my hangar.

Come fly with me!

Rick Morrison

Certified Flight Instructor

Call:Text: 903.284.5535


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